
Hold my can...? o_o;

At least that's what it sounds like this song's lyrics go, but I know it's "hold my hand". XDDDD



1. Luxray for my Final on Vector, I'm not anywhere near completing it yet! I love Luxrays, my Vlad and Vladimir are awesome! I hope Valor will be just as awesome as his Daddy and sister are. >w<;;; Anyways, my idea was to make Babushka dolls of the shinx, luxio and luxray's evolutions for my final. I want to make them look either story bookish or like wooden dolls. Mayra said I should make them like the wooden dolls so I'm trying to work that out.

2. Commission lineart near completion for waterlilly on Solia. I really like where this one is going now! ^^

3. Second rendition of a previous sketch from my last post. It's a little more polished this time around and the umbrella is added this time. XD I'll probably end up cleaning this up and start coloring it soon hopefully! xD


Taking a break

After some mind numbing Illustrator home work that I've been trying to push out as fast as possible I decided to take a small break and do some sketches for some stuff.

 I've got a new commission that I started to dabble with. I dunno why but when I get an new order I'm always eager to start it. So I rushed off to sketch on it and ask a butt load of questions along the way of course -it's just my style. xD;

Anyway, this sketch is for someone's OC on Solia the OC's name is Alice, I didn't get TOO far because there are more questions I want answered before going any further. >w>;

And then I was thinking of maybe doing a picture of Shera for my final in Illustrator class, though if I don't do it I'd like to finish this image later sometime in photoshop, hopefully!

Oh and Shera doesn't have another arm, this I know and thus is why this is a sketch of course. xD

 Oh and I've been spending a lot of time with my Nintendogs too! XD I can't get over how cute my little Shiba Inus are!!! And maybe it's a little addicting too... xD;

Pineapple & Fox
Fox saying, "heeeeey!"
Fox sparkling alone