
Influence map

I wish there was someway I could uh bypass that warning on my blog that says that there's mature content on it... >___> *grumbles* I mean I am the owner of the blog you think that by viewing it myself it wouldn't warn me EVERY FREAKING TIME!? *ahem*

Anyway, I wanted to fill this influence map out for a long while now... And I decided that now's the best time to do that I suppose..? Eh, whatever. xD;

It's filled with very random things that I find inspiration from or like I guess you could say... I don't think I've ever been inspired enough to draw a Kirby related thing/fan art but it was one of the first video games I had ever played and beat all by myself as a child so it's remained a favorite... As for the music selections I've chosen, these are artists I've liked for a very long time as you can see the majority of them have been AROUND.

And uh... BELLS! XD Erp.. C:



Ok now I'm really getting a kick out of posting things here. AND THAT'S A GOOD THING! Cuz everyone knows I've gone too long without being productive or uploading images somewhere.. >w>

Anyway about this particular image.

This is my avatar and one of my friend's on Gaia's avatar. The story behind this one goes something like this.. Err, I'll just quote the conversation that went on instead. xD

My text will be in blue.


@Suggie- Where did you get those bodacious pixels? XD You look great! It's like the complete opposite of my angelic innocence blaugh  

AHAHAHAHA you made me laugh so hard when I read that Nin!!!! XDDD heart heart heart

OH OH, that makes me want to draw the two of use being opposites now. XDD <3~

Oh and the skin is from the Infernal Spirit. 3nodding

Yay!! Art ussss, art us preciousssss *does an angelic Gollum impersonation*

Ooo oo, NIN NIN!!!!!!

I want to do something kind of risque/revealing much?, are you up for that? XDDD heart heart heart 

@Suggie- Go for it!! Just don't give me a heart attack XD Do I need to keep my current ava until you finish ninja blaugh 

I'll try my best to not give you a heart attack Nin! XDDD And no I have the avie saved already so you don't have to keep it like that any longer unless of course you want to. xd

heart heart heart

*scampers off to figure out something to do with the two avies* x3333 

A few hours later....

Hmmm it looks more like I'm trying to persuade you to give me the key to my chains versus anything else... XDDD;;;

So now you know how I came up with this image... xD; It took me about two and a half hours to complete. With the exception that some of that time was spent sketching a different idea for this image at first. I'm happy with the overall out come of this image though! ^-^  I might start doing some more pen sketches too~!! x3


What I've "learned" about Photoshop yesterday..

Which really wasn't much of anything I hadn't already dabbled in so I doodled the whole time last night during class.

I'm not really sure why I "drew" this guy. It started off with me fiddling around with his ENORMOUS eye lash and the went to his eye brows which in turn developed a nose and that's when I decided to continue with that. I'm still horrible with lips as you can see... BUT I'M TRYING REALLY HARD!!! xD;;

 And lastly......

This weird um piece here. In class while I was sketching I was following along with the examples and all as to not get into trouble whilst doodling so I would have something to show in the event that the teacher were to come my way. Anyway, while fiddling around with the lasso tool during an example in PS I made what looked to be a crude dinosaur. So I ended up spending the rest of the night fixing and adjusting my "dinosaur".

I got bored with it and decided that after a fellow classmate said to desaturate the area around the dinosaur; however I couldn't figure out what to do with the actual dinosaur without having to whip out my tablet so this was what I came up with.

Touch pads on lap tops suck when photo manipulating. xD;

The two sketches are high res images, the photo was something that our teacher had us playing with in class though.



Ah er well here are some things that I've drawn.. On loose terms but none the less something I've drawn! xD

Here we have a uh interesting rendition of Parasect from Pokemon.. I'm not sure what possessed me to draw it like this but I kind of like it. He's kind of battle damaged and has barnacles and moss growing all over him. xD

And this guy uh I don't know really what to say about him other than I drew him on a whim as well and he's just some little serpent. He looks really arrogant in my opinion. But at the same time very jolly. I messed up when I was drawing his tail I didn't mean for the part near his legs to be so large. But hey drawing in pen doesn't leave much room for error.

So that's about all I have for now for um drawings/sketches. xDDD Had fun with both, hopefully I'll get around to drawing and posting some more. xD