

I've always wanted to paint a picture in some program it didn't really matter to me what program it was as long as the image looked somewhat like all those other really awesome artist's work. >w<

So I'm trying my hand at it and this is as far as I've gotten so far. >w>;;;

Here we have Sugar and she's naked! XD Uh er, well the image I'm using my reference from is of Britney Spears and when I originally saw the image I knew it was something I wanted to try and use for later with Sugar. xD

I'm trying a bunch of new things with this one really. I'm not sure how I like the process of it all yet but the overall look is somewhat descent even if it is a little dark. I hope to maybe lighten that up or something.. I don't know really I feel like I'm going about this all wrong for some reason. >___>;

2+ hrs(?) PS CS4