
What I've "learned" about Photoshop yesterday..

Which really wasn't much of anything I hadn't already dabbled in so I doodled the whole time last night during class.

I'm not really sure why I "drew" this guy. It started off with me fiddling around with his ENORMOUS eye lash and the went to his eye brows which in turn developed a nose and that's when I decided to continue with that. I'm still horrible with lips as you can see... BUT I'M TRYING REALLY HARD!!! xD;;

 And lastly......

This weird um piece here. In class while I was sketching I was following along with the examples and all as to not get into trouble whilst doodling so I would have something to show in the event that the teacher were to come my way. Anyway, while fiddling around with the lasso tool during an example in PS I made what looked to be a crude dinosaur. So I ended up spending the rest of the night fixing and adjusting my "dinosaur".

I got bored with it and decided that after a fellow classmate said to desaturate the area around the dinosaur; however I couldn't figure out what to do with the actual dinosaur without having to whip out my tablet so this was what I came up with.

Touch pads on lap tops suck when photo manipulating. xD;

The two sketches are high res images, the photo was something that our teacher had us playing with in class though.

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